Fotonostrum Gallery

Barcelona, Spain

The 3rd Barcelona Foto Biennale and 7th Biennale of Fine Art & Documentary Photography present to you magnificent artworks selected by the jurors from the 17th and 18th Julia Margaret Cameron Awards and the 17th and 18th Pollux Awards.

Since 2010, The Worldwide Photography Gala Awards and Julia Margaret Cameron Awards have selected and exhibited hundreds of artists from all over the world helping them to further their careers, and promoting photography appraisal.

FotoNostrum is a global gathering site where everything revolves around photography. Located in the heart of Barcelona, FotoNostrum has a net exhibition space of 9,150 square feet (850 square meters) on two levels and features solo and collective exhibitions per year of established photographers and emerging talents.

This edition of the awards evaluated the 1405 works of 358 artists from 47 countries.